Psychological Assistance
PRISMA is with you for your institution's unique needs with specially assigned psychologists. We support your employees with goal-oriented, pragmatic, and scientifically proven practices that have an impact on the workplace.

The PRISMA Employee Support Program supports your employees in coping with challenges in their work or personal lives, empowering them to lead a more effective and healthy life.

Special Organizational Approach

Every organization has its unique dynamics and needs. PRISMA understands these dynamics through expert psychologists assigned to you, working to provide the best solutions.

Approach Tailored to Your Culture

PRISMA provides solutions tailored to your organization’s values and working style by deeply grasping them.

PRISMA Guarantee

Our expert psychologists are trained in organizational and individual psychological support practices in the workplace. Employees are directed to the right experts as needed, and follow-ups are ensured for the reports made.

Proactive Approach

Training, group sessions, and individual sessions are organized according to identified needs.

Psychological First Aid

In times of crisis, traumatic events or in cases where urgent psychological first aid is required, rapid intervention and process management are supported.